Why Mens Ivy Cap Hats

An ideal men’s driving hat, ivy hats, can be pulled low over the eyes to act as fashionable glare reducer and sun shield for the driver. While this modern purpose is a popular one, ivy caps for men, like their flat cap brethren, got their start in Europe centuries ago. The hats began as middle- and lower-class worker wear but were soon adopted by the upper class for special occasions. Today, they are the choice of celebrity and Joe the Plumber alike, filling hat shops and dotting mannequins in department stores and boutiques.

You want a unique style that maintains a classic feel. Something versatile that will never be overboard. You’re the type of person who isn’t quite reserved, but neither are you totally gregarious. You’re right in between, balanced. And that’s a good thing. Ivy hats fit that bill (no pun intended) precisely. That’s why we’re excited to offer ivy hats along with our array of other flat cap styles.