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Christmas Moss - Vesicularia montagnei 

Moss come from being grown above the water (emersed form) and are perfectly safe for shrimps.

The moss will take on its natural appearance in the aquarium.

Mesh can be purchased separately on the same listing if needed.

Common name: Christmas Moss
Proper name: Vesicularia montagnei
Category: Mosses
Temperature: 18 - 28 C
pH: 5.0 - 7.5
Lighting: Low to medium
Growth rate: Slow
Difficulty: Very easy

Due to its appearance being like that of a Christmas tree. Its branches are very similar to that of a pine tree, its deep green colour is reminiscent of the evergreen nature of pine trees and the shape of the branches even create a Christmas tree like shape when grown.When moss has brown threads, it is not dead, it is just older growth that has been covered by new growth and has not received much light so does not contain chlorophyll, which gives it its green colouration. Once any brown threads are exposed to light, it will then begin to grow new strands and produce chlorophyll returning to its green colour .

Christmas moss can be easily propagated via division.

The image used above is for illustration purposes only.