OEM: 376/100/190
Main jet size 190  made by wassell , (in deutsch hauptdüse )
fits all Amal TT and GP carburettors , all Monobloc 376 389 , all concentric 600 and 900 serie 626 627 928 930 932, all MK2 carbs 2600 2900 serie 2626 2928 2930 2932 2934

what size of jet do I need ? little info where to start :
4 strokes 1 carb for one cylinder : 26mm 150-160, 28mm 170-190, 30mm 190-210, 32mm 210-240 , 34mm 240-280
4 strokes one carb for two clinders :
26mm 170-190, 28mm 190-230, 30mm 230-270
we sell sets for twin carb two cylinder 30mm, and 1 carb twincylinders , cheaper then buying 5 or 6 jets. see our shop

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Wenn Sie mehrere Artikel separat gekauft haben, versuchen wir Ihre Bestellung in einem Paket zu kombinieren
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Lagerort 376/100/190*