Re-Print Photo With FREE Vinyl Top Loader

1.  Printed on 8.50 x 11 semi-gloss archival photo paper.

 2. Largest DPI available, printed professionally, crisp and clear. Please note that vintage photos, advertisements and posters show their age and our reprints reflect that.

 3.  Prints are not sized to a true 8 x 10 due to the original size  but can easily be matted to an 11 x 14 for easy framing.

 4. The clown image is simply a stock photo to show packing material. We first use a rigid mylar sleeve to protect the photo then a

 rigid Photo mailer.

 5.  Shipped immediately by USPS 1st. Class mail which will take 5 to 7 days for delivery. Note; 1st class Does Not have tracking.

 6. We have thousands of vintage photos, please check out our selection...... Thanks