GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS (GWR) is the global authority on record-breaking achievement. First published in 1955, the iconic annual Guinness World Records books have sold over 141 million copies in 22 languages and in more than 100 countries. Additionally, the Guinness World Records: Gamer’s Edition, first published in 2007, has sold more than 4 million copies to date.

Guinness World Records’ worldwide television programmes reach over 750 million viewers annually and more than 3.3 million people subscribe to the GWR YouTube channel, which enjoys more than 450 million views per year. The GWR website receives over 19.9 million visitors annually, and over 15 million fans on Facebook.

Guinness World Records also provides customised consultancy services for some of the world’s top brands and agencies to help place record breaking at the heart of their marketing campaigns, employee-engagement programmes, and live and experiential events.