The Korean Best Nano Gold Toothbrush
Gold Coated Nano Vitality Brush 4 pcs x 2 sets

Nano gold works on the bacteria found in the mouth in a couple of ways-through denaturation or oxidation and possibly both. The nano gold acts as a catalyst. Denaturation is where disulfide bonds in an enzyme are disconnected, preventing bacteria from exerting any control on exposure to oxidation reactions.

Nano gold will also generate reactive oxygen in either air or water, which affects the cell wall of bacteria. It kills bacteria in the same way as hydrogen peroxide. Nano gold does all this by acting only as a catalyst for the reaction. Thus it is long lasting and perfectly safe.

By using of highly advanced nano-technology, Nano Gold Toothbrush has an anti-bacterial effect and emits infrared rays, which are beneficial for healthy oral care.

 1. The soft and thin bristle of Nano Gold Toothbrush helps
      you enjoy a clean-feeling mouth and healthy gums.
 2. Nano Gold Toothbrush gives you achieve cleaner and
     healthier than any other regular toothbrushes.
 3. Nono Gold Toothbrush is good for those who has gums trouble and cold-feeling teeth.