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Title:  Jutland in the Baltic (for AH versions 1967 & 1974)  variant counters and article plus extras, for Avalon Hill

Expansion for the Classic Avalon Hill game Jutland.  In Excellent condition unused. Consists of 52 counters (2.0 x 0.5 inches), 1 German Hit record sheet, 1 British hit record sheet  and 10 pages of articles and scenarios (printed copies included) detailing  the variants including 9 new battles with historical notes.  The counters included are 56 new counters to allow the 6 "new" battles to be fought. 
  • Scenarios include:
               First Action in the Baltic 
               Gulf of Finland
               Battle of Windau
               Battle of Libau
               Battle of Gotland
               Straights of Irben
               Gulf of Finland 2
               Moon sound
               Operation Albion  

Excellent condition unused. Consists of:
  • 52 counters (2.0 x 0.5 inches)
              19 Russian
              29 German 
              4 exploding ships
  • 1 German Hit record card (printed copy included)
  • 1 British hit record card  (printed copy included)
  • 10 page article (printed copy included) detailing  the variants including 6 new battles with historical notes.  
The counters have been re-manufactured and redesign versions (new cleaner images) of the originals printed on waterproof glossy paper and mounted on 1.5mm thick card.  
All counters are delivered cut sorted and bagged.

In this expansion you will be able to refight 9 new battles in the Baltic 
It also brings in the Russian Navy, plus a few extra German ships.
During the First World War a lot of naval action occurred in other places besides the North Sea. 
One of these places was the Baltic Sea where elements of the German High Seas Fleet and the Russian Baltic Fleet did engage each other on several occasions although like in the North Sea there were more near misses than actual fights between naval forces. 
These engagements were also different in that in most of them the newer dreadnought battleships and battlecruisers were notably absent. The extensive minefields which were quickly laid by both sides. Instead the older more expendable armoured cruisers and pre-dreadnought battleships became the main heavy units for both sides in most of these engagements. Despite their age and smaller size these ships could still pack a punch.  The battles include employ the full range of ships.

Printed copies of the articles and hit record cards required are included.  
I will also send you copies of these so they can be reproduced, please send your email.  
For those that ask nicely I'm sure a can include a few extra articles as well

The basic expansion from the Board gamers is 48 counters and I've also added an extra 4 new counters.  
The counters are printed on waterproof glossy paper and mounted on 1.5mm thick card.  
All counters are delivered cut sorted and bagged. Requires the original game to play.

Requires the original game to play.