Herbs Botanica 100% Natural Fenugreek Powder (TRIGONELLA FOENUM)100% NATURAL, ORGANICALLY GROWN 5.5 oz (150 gms) Resealable Zip Lock Pouch Gluten Free 


 Product description

Here are health benefits of Fenugreek powder:

  1. Curbs high cholesterol levels: Regular consumption of fenugreek powder through meals can also help cut down low-density lipoprotein (LDL or “bad”) cholesterol.

  2. Aids weight loss: A healthy stomach means better digestion, less bloating, removal of toxins and better weight control. A teaspoon of fenugreek powder mixed in a warm cup of water, can serve as an ideal decoction to curb constipation. Apart from being a natural digestive, fenugreek powder also helps to soothe the stomach and intestinal lining. This reduces acidity and heartburn. Fenugreek also stimulates metabolism and creates heat in the body which naturally helps you to burn fat a bit more while you workout.

  3. Enhance breast feeding: It has been found that if lactating mothers drink fenugreek infused tea, they are able to produce sufficient amount of breast milk – the best source of food and nutrients for a newborn.

  4. Keeps a tab on Hypertension: Being a rich source of potassium and sodium, consuming fenugreek powder on a daily basis can also reduce high blood pressure.

  5. Good for the heart: by keeping high BP and cholesterol in check fenugreek proves to aid heart health as well.

  6. Fenugreek Powder for Hair Growth

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