
  • Breed:  Cubaris
  • Type:  Panda King
  • Quantity:  6 Count

Shipping Policy

  • We ship Monday - Wednesday to avoid any shipments being held over weekend. 
  • If you are not able to immediately receive your order, hold at the closest post office is the best shipping option.  If using Hold For Pickup, please include a phone number and email in your shipping notes.
  • If your area’s temperatures are below 40°F and above 90°F, your order will be shipped and held at your local shipping facility via “Hold For Pickup” unless you stated otherwise.   You will be notified when your order is shipped and where it will be held at.  Please ensure the name on the order matches the name on the ID of the person who will be picking it up

Live Arrival Guarantee (LAG) Disclaimer

  • Every shipment we send comes with our 100% Live Arrival Guarantee.  This means if there are any issues that are out of your control with your order upon arrival, we will offer solutions to remedy the situation.  Once you receive your order, inspect your items.  If you have any issues, please contact us immediately with clear photos/videos.  Any issues will need to be addressed within 1 hour of home delivery and 2 hour for hold for pick up from the facility.  If these conditions are not met by the customer, the guarantee is void.
  • Live Arrival Guarantee is voided if the following occurs:  incorrect shipping address, shipment not received on the first delivery attempt, declining on Hold For Pickup when temperatures are below 50 degrees or above 85 degrees, leaving the package at the facility for more than 2 hours and no clear photos/videos provided. 

Bulk orders available contact for details.