Leaf sage tea, 50 g, Fares 

It contributes to the comfort of menopausal women. It contributes to the normal functioning of the intestinal tract. It favors moderation of sweat function. Maintains the integrity of the buccal mucosa. The name of this plant derives from the Latin word "salvation" which means to save, to heal. In Greece it was called the "magic plant", and the orientals consider it the symbol of health.

The leaves of the plant Salvia officinalis L., fam. Lamiaceae, which contains volatile oil, having as main component thujona; di and triterpenes; flavones; resins; tannin; bitter principles; estrogen substances; organic acids.

Antisudorific, estrogenic, choleretic-collagen (stimulates the secretion and elimination of the bile), antispastic, carminative (helps the elimination of intestinal gases), anti-inflammatory, mucolytic, hypoglycemic, healing, antiseptic.

Main uses:
Execsive sweats, menopause disorders, menstrual disorders.

Other uses:
Biliary dyskinesia, colic, enterocolitis, cold, flu, gingivitis, stomatitis, wounds.


Prepare an infusion of 1 teaspoon plant in a cup of water.

Administration method:
Internal use: drink 3 cups of tea per day.
External use: gargle with the infusion and apply compresses.

50 g