The magical story of The Beauty & The Beast follows the story of a young village girl who ventures out into the unknown in search of her father. Along the journey, the protagonist Belle is captured by a young Prince who transforms into a beast following a curse that can only be undone when the Prince learns to fall in love with a young beautiful women he keeps prisoner.

Having debuted in 1991, the unprecedented success of The Beauty and The Beast has been especially prevalent in the modern era with the enchanting film being the first animated film to earn a Golden Globe, and the first to have ever debuted as a Broadway Musical. 

30 years on since its introduction to the world of entertainment, the film continues to charm the audiences of the modern day. In commemoration of this significant anniversary, The Koin Club is extremely excited to introduce this stunning official 30th anniversary coin set. 

Featured coins:

'A Tale of Enchantment' Silver Plated Coin - Lumiere, Mrs. Potts and Cogsworth
'A Tale of Beauty Found Within' Silver Plated Coin - Belle and The Beast
'A Tale as Old as Time' Rose Gold Plated Coin - Enchanted Rose


Diameter: 44 mm
Base Metal: Iron
Plating: Various
Country of Issue: Cook Islands
Face Value: 50 Cents
Year of Issue: 2021