From Diamond Select Toys! The Class M-3 Model B-9 General Utility Non-Theorizing Environmental Control Robot is the most important piece of equipment on the Jupiter 2 mission. Its computerized brain quickly processes complex calculations and makes logical deductions, and its memory banks contain a vast repository of knowledge as well as numerous technical skills. Able to function in harsh climates or even the vacuum of space, B-9’s sensors allow it to gather a wealth of data on the surrounding environment, and its tests on the air and soil are a vital part of the expedition’s research. B-9 is also incredibly powerful, with limbs that can lift heavy objects and defensive weapons that include a laser beam and an electrical discharge.


  • Eyes light up and sensors blink
  • Chest blinks when B-9 talks
  • Head bubble manually raises and lowers
  • Arms extend and collapse
  • Claws open and close
  • Wheels allow B-9 to roll

B-9 Says the following phrases, including dialogue from “Cave of the Wizards”:

  • Watch it, I do not like grubby finger stains on my new suit of gold.
  • From now on I’d appreciate it if you’d call be Golden Boy
  • In my opinion, it is not Professor Robinson who needs psychiatric treatment, it is his doctor.
  • I forgot, you are brave, handsome Dr. Smith.
  • <sighing> I am a cybernetic here
  • I would like to express an opinion. Bleahhh!
  • She embarrassed me. She took my pointer.
  • Pbbbt! Pbbbt! I am clearing the solar dust from my memory banks.
  • Dr. Smith sent you back a message. Here it is: Pbbbt.
  • <laughter>