Mandelic acid powder skin peel exfoliator lightener brightener anti- aging cosmetic grade.

                                                                  WHAT IS MANDELIC ACID                                        Mandelic acid is an alpha hydroxy acid (AHA) Derived from bitter almonds                                        but is more gentle than some of the other AHAs like glycolic acid.                                        and lactic acid. AHAs work by exfoliating the layers of dead skin away                                        by breaking the bonds between cells to reveal brighter, clearer skin as weel                                         as help to clear pores and create a more even tone.

                                                                  WHAT BENEFITS DOES MANDELIC ACID                                                                  HAVE ON THE SKIN

                                         Mandelic acid is a go-to anti-ageing ingredient in the word of the skin care                                         IT works to accelerate cell turnover by dissolving the tiny bonds that                                                       hold skin cells together, helping to remove dead skin on the surface that can                                         lead to dull complexions, as well as fine lines. It also strengthens collagen,                                         one of the building blocks of the skin support network that gives it youthful                                         firmness.                                                                                       SHIPPING                                                             All orders will be shipped the same day.

If you bay more than                                                             ONE UNIT (one unit equal to 10 gramm) i will sand it to you                                                              in one aluminum stand up bag. Free shipping from Northridge CA.