The Duck Flower Detox Flor de Pato, Dr Sebi Approved Alkaline Herbal Cleanse.

60 Palo Guaco/duck flower capsules. Each capsule has over 500 mg of Duck Flower dust. That is 2 grams per dosage (4 capsules ) Take all 4 at once, 2 twice or 1 four times.

These will come in mylar food safe sealed bag. I do not accept returns and I know capsules do not spontaneously combust while traveling in first class mail. If you want this product in a big plastic bottle please purchase elsewhere. My product is good and it does exactly what is meant to.

It should NEVER be consumed by pregnant or breastfeeding women, or children.

WARNING! This is a VERY aggressive detox. It will likely cause vomiting & diarrhea. It also might not cause vomiting. DO NOT take without DOING YOU OWN RESEARCH .

Storage: Store in tight, light-resistant containers, avoid exposure to direct sunlight, moisture and excessive heat.

Shelf Life is up to  24 months.

The reported benefits of the Duck Flower Detox:

Cleanse the body of excess mucus

Total cleanse of impacted waste in the intestines

Eliminate parasites from the intestines

Reduce bloating

Increased energy