Packed with nutrients and rich in goodness, our Beef Spaghetti Dog Treat makes for a very special treat for your dog. Not only is it 100% digestible, it’s also naturally healthy and high in protein.

100% natural
Grain and gluten free
Suitable for puppies over 12 weeks
High in protein
No preservatives
Healthy and nutritious

Nutritional Analysis:
Protein 84.4%, Natural oils & fats 32.58%, Fibre 1.08%, Ash 3.78%

As with all chews, we recommend that you supervise your dog whilst they are eating and fresh water is always available.

Please Note That All Our Products Are 100% Natural As For Size, Thickness, Odour, Shape, Colour & Shades Might Not Be Always The Same. All Our Products Are Grain & Gluten Free, No Preservatives, No Additives Or Additional Colours.