5 Lbs of Raw, Unprocessed, Organic Creamed Honey from Elden Foods

Only the best!


5 lbs of Organic Raw Creamed Honey - Smooth Perfection!

This honey is gathered from the tropical plants of South America, giving it the un-beatable taste people have come to expect from Elden Foods Honey. Only the best!

Smooth, creamy, lightly colored, and with a rich flavor that captivates the senses, this may just be the best creamed honey you'll ever try!

100% Pure Organic Raw Creamed Honey

  • Un-heated
  • Unfiltered
  • All healthful enzymes and pollen intact

Nothing Added, Nothing Taken Away, just 100% Pure Raw Organic Honey.

Guaranteed to be our best organic raw, unfiltered honey!


At Elden Foods, organic raw honey is exactly what it sounds like – honey that is entirely raw, unpasteurized, unprocessed, and harvested straight from the beehive without chemicals.

Organic Raw Honey is pure and undiluted with no added substances of any kind. No dangerous chemicals are used on the plants or in the hives. Never at anytime is the honey exposed to high temperatures. The honey is strained to remove massive chunks of beeswax, but never filtered; you always get the beneficial propolis and pollen. It is then packed right into FDA Food Grade approved containers to be delivered to you.

Our definition of raw honey has to meet strict criteria and only honey that meets the top requirements gets to our customers.
  • Never heated to high temperatures 
  • Strained to remove wax chunks/bee parts. No Filtering
  • Must not have high fructose corn syrup or any other artificial sweeteners added, even if given to the bees as food
  • Is not mixed with subpar/offshore honey or diluted in any way
  • Must be 100% Pure
  • Obtained from high quality hive/farm sources to preserve and maintain the varietal flavors
We pride ourselves in the quality and taste that we pass on to our customers. You always get fresh, pure organic honey from Elden Foods in Kaysville, packaged with care, and delivered right to your doorstep.