Antique Railroad Map 1872 Made Expressly For Colton's Common School Geography. Entered According to Act of Congress in the Year 1872 by Sheldon & Company . In the Office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington.  This Railroad Map No.1 Details by Name the 211 Railroad Lines and Their Routes Across 19 States. The Reverse Side Details Line Origins and Ends With Miles Traveled. The "Credit Mobilier Scandal," and a Congressional Investigation Brought the Railroad Industry to Public Awareness.  Between 1850 & 1872 Extensive Public Lands were Granted to Railroad Companies to Promote Railroad construction. Land Grant Maps Were Used by Speculators to Advertise Land for Sale to the Public. Soon Maps were distorted to Favor One State, Area, or Line Over Another for the Advertisers Profit. Manipulation of Scale, Area, or Line Became Common Practice on Maps and Distrust Grew. G. Woolworth Colton Saw the Need for an Accurate Railroad Map and Thus the Commission of, "Railroad Map No.1 Made Expressly for Colton's Common School Geography."  SAUbound is selling this to raise money for college expenses.