Want to feel like Anastasia Steele? Put a piece of Christian Grey in your life
Now you can get this exclusive bank check of Fifty Shades of Grey
You will not find elsewhere. This bank check is everything you want
Do not let it escape and Buy It Now!

* The check is written by hand with pen ink


“Mrs. Anastasia Grey,” Whelan reads. “Yes, that should do.” He frowns.
“This is highly irregular, Mrs. Grey.
“Do you want me to let my husband know that your bank has been less than cooperative?”
I square my shoulders and give him my most forbidding stare.
He pauses, momentarily reassessing me, I think. “You’ll need to write a check, Mrs. Grey.”
“Sure. This account?” I show him my checkbook, trying to quell my pounding heart
“That’ll be fine. I’ll also need you to complete some additional paperwork. If you’ll excuse me for a moment?”
I nod, and he rises and stalks out of the office. Again, I release my held breath.
I had no idea this would be so difficult. Clumsily, I open my checkbook and pull a pen out of my purse.
Do I just make it out to cash? I have no idea.
With shaking fingers I write: Five million dollars. $5,000,000.
Oh God, I hope I’m doing the right thing. [...]
“I’ll have my colleague bring you some while I prepare the money. If you could just sign here, ma’am...
and make the check out to cash and sign that, too.”
He places a form on the table. I scrawl my signature along the dotted line of the check, then the form. Anastasia Grey.
Teardrops fall on the desk, narrowly missing the paperwork.
“I’ll take those, ma’am. It will take us about half an hour to prepare the money.”

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