This is the Sports Illustrated magazine from October 15, 1990 with the San Diego Chargers Burt Grossman on the cover as the magazine reports on his rantings and ravings.  Other articles include:  Art Garfunkel is five years into a solo cross-country walk, University of Miami stakes a claim to the #1 college football ranking after pounding Florida State, Stanford upsets number 1 ranked Notre Dame, the Cincinnati Reds and Pittsburgh Pirates face off in the NLCS, the Oakland A's live up to their billing by stifling the Boston Red Sox in the ALCS, Cincinnati Bengals coach Sam Wyche tests the NFL's equal access rule and loses his job, Beth Daniel is measuring up to expectations on her 12th year on the LPGA tour, and zebra mussels threaten to overwhelm North American waters.  Magazine is in great condition, as pictured.