22 Adenium Arabicum Desert Rose


You can begin by soaking seeds from 12 hours to up to 24 hours to increase germination rate.

Starting adenium seeds by preparing a container with a well-draining growing medium, like a perlite or sand and catus soil mix. Place the seed in the growing medium, just covering them with the growing medium. Water from below daily and from above once every three days until the seedlings appear. If possible keep the temperature of the growing medium at between 80 and 85 F. (27-29 C.).

Your desert rose plant seeds should germinate in 7 to 10 days, if the seeds are fresh. If they are not fresh, it may take longer (if at all). Once the seedlings appear, water only from below. In about a month, the seedlings will be large enough to transplant to a permanent container.

Its origin lies in southern and western Arab peninsula. The trunk is tall and big. The leaves have delicate hair. The flowers are pink and of small size. It blossoms at the branches and its trunk. The pods are usually red. The pods and seeds are big. This breed can be divided into two parts according to its trunk shape.

- Tall trunk like a perennial trunk: The trunk is tall. The trunks grow straight out of the caudex. The trunks grow better vertically. It was reported to be seen as tall as 4 meters in Thailand, named "Yak Wang Na".

- Short trunk: The trunks grow out of the base of the caudex. They grow better horizontally. The caudex's base is huge. It can be as huge as 1 meter and 2.50 meters high which

Important, Please read

All seeds have been test sown to ensure germination. Please familiarize yourself with growing conditions and instructions for your seeds before you plant them, as all seeds are different. Basic growing instructions can be found under each listing.

We Cannot Guarantee how much you will be able to grow, as too many variables come into play, soil condition, your ability to garden, weather etc.