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Título: Betty Blues
Condición: Nuevo
Autor: Renaud Dillies
Formato: Tapa dura
ISBN-10: 1561637580
EAN: 9781561637584
ISBN: 9781561637584
Publisher: NBM Publishing Company
Género: Manga
Fecha de publicación: 14/11/2013
Description: Little Rice Duck has built himself quite the reputation around the West Wood, playing his trumpet in bars with their smoky, sweaty ambience, tequila sunrises and smooth jazz. All he needs is that Betty character - and she is one bitch bathing in expensive champagne. But, much like the champagne, he'd much prefer that she would just stay chilled. In this funky graphic novel, the acclaimed author brings together his love for music and comics.
País/Región de fabricación: US
Altura del artículo: 286mm
Longitud del artículo: 223mm
Peso: 485g
Idioma: inglés
Año de publicación: 2013

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