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Titolo: Alien Legion: Dead And Buried
Condizione: Nuovo
EAN: 9781782760689
ISBN: 9781782760689
Publisher: Titan Comics
Formato: Copertina rigida
Data di pubblicazione: 02/09/2014
Altezza: 227mm
Lunghezza: 154mm
Peso: 669g
Autore: Carl Potts
Lingua: inglese
ISBN-10: 1782760687
Description: Wars, civil wars, sectarian violence, religious jihads - the galaxy is not a nice place, and to try and keep what peace can be had are the misfits of Alien Legion! They are the scum of the galaxy; the worst of the worst - criminal, killers, the lost, the angry, the desperate. They are the misfits and monsters of Alien Legion, the toughest rammers in the galaxy!
Paese di origine: GB
Larghezza: 17mm
IlustraciĆ³n: Larry Stroman
Contribuyente: Larry Stroman (Illustrated by)
Genere: Manga
Serie: Alien Legion
Title Format: Hardback
Anno di pubblicazione: 2014

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