Don't let condensation ruin your view

4 Window Repair Kit - Clears condensation FROM failed blown double glazing window

Don't replace your blown double glazed windows

These sealed units can now be fixed with our simple DIY kit

It removes the condensation trapped inside your windows

This kit will repair 4 standard glass windows

Check out my other listings for different sized kits!

This kit must not be use on toughened glass, if there is a kite mark in any of the corners of your glass your window is toughened. All Conservatory glass and floor level windows or doors WILL be toughened. If you have toughened glass, contact Condensation2Clear on how to purchase our toughened glass kit. 

Today condensation can easily be removed from failed double glazing, by a person with very basic DIY skills, using the Condensation2Clear Condensation Removal and Repair Kit! Any person that can drill a hole in wood, can repair a sealed unit using our easy 4 stage process. 

Our kits can remove the condensation and bring your view back to life! We've been selling this kit for over 10 years with great


  • Install Drilling Template in 2 corners of the window
  • Drill 2 4mm holes with special bits provided
  • Insert Drying Agent over 5 day period and allow window to clear
  • Once cleared install breathable vents


Q. Do I have to drill the inside or outside pane of glass, I am on a high floor

A. You can repair either from the inside or outside withour kit, the external repair does clear faster but both work well.

Q. What if my windows our toughened glass

A. Toughened glass cannot be drilled, but we have a kit that fixes toughened glass, contact us for information on how to purchase.

Q. Will the kit remove white streaks

A. Dry baked on white marks cannot be removed and the glass will need to be replaced. This kit removes moisture, condensation, mist and fog from your windows.

Q. I have wooden Framed Windows, can I still use your kit

A. Yes, as long as there is a gap between the panes of 16-24mm there is no issue, windows as far as 6mm can also be fixed but contact us before purchase for additional instructions

Q. My window is very large can I still repair kit

A. Yes, larger windows are fine however you need more holes so if the windows is larger than 4' x 4' you need additional drill bits, drying agent and vents, for each additioanl 4'x4' area add 1 extra window to the size kit you buy. This will ensure you have the right amount of parts.

Q. Will I have the skills do to the repair

A. If you can drill a hole in a piece of wood then you have the skills needed. Drilling with our specially designed, diamoned coated drill bits makes the job easy and everythign you need apart from the drill and tap water is provided.

Q. How long will the repair take

A. It takes about 20 minutes to prepare and drill the glass, the window will clear and once it has done, the vents are then installed. The time to clear depends on the size of the window and the amount of moisture that is trapped in the glass and desiccant in the frame. The repair can completed in as little as 1 day to  couple of weeks depending on how much moisture is within the window.. 


  • Full Instruction Booklet
  • Diamond Coated Drill Bits - Specially design for drilling into glass (will drill a small 4mm hole)
  • Drilling template to stabilise drilling process
  • Magnets to clean any residue from the inside of the window
  • Cleaning Brushes
  • Disappearing Drying Agent to Speed Moisture extraction
  • Breathable Window Vent to avoid further moisture returning
  • Water spray bottle to keep drill bit cool while drilling