"GATE To The World" presents your for viewing pleasure -

A Japanese Movie!


Nisekoi Live Action The Movie

Episodes: 1

No. of Discs: 1 [ good picture and sound quality ]

Language: Japanese

Subtitles:  English - excellent /Chinese


Kento Nakajima
Ayami Nakajo
Natsumi Ikema
Haruka Shimazaki


Raku Ichijo is in high school. He does not like violence and is studying to fulfil his aspiration to serve the public.

Chitoge Kirisaki is a transfer student and new to the school. She accidentally knocks Raku down.

Normally, that would be that; except each is respectively the son and daughter of local Yakuza gang members.

There is going to be trouble unless they act as if they are going steady.

It is not going to be easy because they dislike one another.

Don't be the one who missed out getting your copy of it this time around!


When Quality counts and you want Value for your Money then there's only one "Gate to the World".