Egyptian Pharaoh's 
Mind Control Magick Pendant.
~Ancient Egyptian Magick~Wh

Mind Expansion & Intelligence Magick Power Wica Pagan Metaphysical Rare Necklace

Beautiful, unique, and powerful hand made artisan necklace - Proven, tested, and guaranteed to safely, and aggressively increase it's owner's mental power, mental capacity, intelligence, clairvoyance, psychic ability, spirituality, and more.

This beautiful talisman will unlock the untapped power of your mind. Over time you will become so powerful mentally that you will be able to expertly perform telekinesis, levitation, and mind control.

What exactly are "energies", and how are they used?

Some think that items like this are nothing more than pieces that are prayed upon, that are focused upon to create a tangible result. I want to dispel that notion. The process of conjuring these energies, and literally placing them *inside* of a physical piece like this is far, far more intricate, and involved than simple prayer.

Energies exist vibrantly around us all at all times. We, as people omit energies. The earth omits energies. The sun, stars, moon, and cosmos omit powerful energies. Here is a situation we have all been in. Imagine you are in a room, and someone walks in to that room, and their energy as a person changes the dynamic, or the "feel" of that room. We've all heard it said about someone before that "when they walk in they just light up the room" with their attitude, their positivity, their ENERGY.

Now, imagine that same concept on a much larger, more scientific, and more powerful scale. We, as professionals harness and create energies that are very, very specific - To create good, to create wealth, or happiness, to create physical changes to the body, and/or mind, etc. We create these energies, securing them from naturally occurring sources (the aforementioned sun, cosmos, moon, earth) and we put them inside of the item we are offering.

The energies lie dormant until they reach you. Once a piece like this arrives all you must do is either: A) Wear it like you would any other piece of jewelry, or B) Set aside a small amount of time each day, even as little as 1-2 minutes where you can sit quietly, hold the piece, and let it's energies enter your body. It's that simple!

There isn't anything you must do. There is no ritual for you to perform. You do not have to act, or live differently. All you must do is let these energies enter your life, and you will see real, legitimate, tangible changes or your money back. We are so confident in our approach, our track record of excellence, and our skills that we *guarantee* you that you'll see the results we promise, or you simply do not pay. You stand to gain so much, and you stand to lose absolutely nothing.

The talisman does not need to be worn to be effective. It can be worn, or simply kept with/on/near you. It is equally powerful for Men or Women.

The energies lie dormant until they reach you. Once a piece like this arrives all you must do is either: A) Wear it like you would any other piece of jewelry, or B) Set aside a small amount of time each day, even as little as 1-2 minutes where you can sit quietly, hold the piece, and let it's energies enter your body. It's that simple!

There isn't anything you must do. There is no ritual for you to perform. You do not have to act, or live differently. All you must do is let these energies enter your life, and you will see real, legitimate, tangible changes or your money back. We are so confident in our approach, our track record of excellence, and our skills that we *guarantee* you that you'll see the results we promise, or you simply do not pay. You stand to gain so much, and you stand to lose absolutely nothing.

With this beautiful piece in your life you will immediately begin to feel euphoric. You will feel as if a weight has been lifted off of your shoulders. You will feel unburdened, and at peace.

The residual effects of owning an item of this power are often that you will sleep much better at night, you will feel increases in your confidence, your mood will improve, you will feel "lighter" and more at peace. Your body will be balanced, calm, and centered.

The talisman does not need to be worn to be effective. It can be worn, or simply kept with/on/near you. It is equally powerful for Men or Women.Mind Expansion & Intelligence Majik Pendant Wicca Pagan Metaphysical Rare

y wait for all the right cards to be dealt your way in life when Fate is handing you a Royal Flush?
Now is time to take what you Want,to take What is rightfully your DESTINY!  Time to take full control of Your Fate
What if you could get that Job Promotion now?
What if the bank teller would "accidentally" hand you an extra hundred?
What if you suddenly became Irresistible any person you Desire?
What if you could get almost Anything you want, from Anybody?
What if you could CONTROL Minds?
This Spell Bound Vessel has a Powerful History, Including the Illuminati, Powerful Keepers, And has had countless Successes! This Piece has been cleansed since its last Master, and re-cast 20X for Ultimate Strength! 
This Magickal Vessel is so Powerful that it will last a lifetime and beyond. It Never needs to be recharged, and is always ready to use. Once you Possess this piece, you will Experience for yourself What true Ancient Egyptian Magick feels like.
With the Extremely Powerful Ancient Egyptian magick Spells that have been cast upon this Marvelous Pendant, 
You will be able to control the minds of those around you, or get into the head and thoughts of ANYBODY that you want to, unsealing Power over all.
This Very Ancient Egyptian Magick being offered here is Similar to the Mind Control Spells cast for the Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt by their Priests. !
With help from this Magick, the Pharaoh was better able to rule the masses, and have anything he so desired. With this pendant, you will Possess the Same Powers.
Make them Want & Need You, and only you
Make them into a Zombie that bends to your every will
Control the Mind of any person you wish
Become Desirable to any Woman or Man
Make them Need  you, Do anything to Please you!
Make them Do for you, Happily
Own their thoughts
Have Ultimate Control of your life
POWER over All
Anything & Everything You want
Control Their Dreams and waking reality
Torture their mind until they bend to your will
Renew old love that has faded
Change their opinion of you
Rank Higher in Life
Own Job Promotions/Interviews
Make them do what ever it is that you want them to! 
Own your Domain!
Control Your Life!
Control your Surroundings!
To control this Vessel, the wearer must have a specific target in mind (the mind you wish to control), or look them in the eyes if they are in your presence (eye contact will indeed give the strongest/quickest affect), & think of what it is that you want them to do. You will have control over their if you were able to Control the very Minds of those around you,Allowing anything to be possible? 
This Magick was Extremely Difficult to Acquire. It is Ultimately Amazing. This is Truly a rare opportunity that we offer today.
Note: This Spell will NOT work on somebody who has never seen you (you can not use it on a celebrity for example) it will work if you have never talked, but they have to at least met your gaze, or been in the same place as you 
for it to actually work on them. 
If you feel this item Calling out to you, & feel that this powerful Spell Amulet is meant for you, or keep coming back to this listing, then perhaps this is your Destiny.