If your business is looking to climb up the search engine results pages (SERP), boost your search engine optimization (SEO), and effectively reach your target audience, you need to create guest posts on authority sites like Blogger and Tumblr (both of which have domain authorities of 90 and above).

Each digital marketing guest post you create puts you one step closer to growing your audience base (and the revenue associated with this growth).

Top benefits of guest posting on Blogger and Tumblr:

1. Build Quality and Natural Backlinks
Search engines consider the number and quality of links pointing back to your website when they’re determining your rankings. Guest posting provides you with additional avenues where you can obtain more natural backlinks.  Each link you receive represents a high-quality reference to your brand.

2. Boost Referral Traffic
When you contribute guest posts to Blogger and Tumblr and other similar authority blogs online, they help boost referral traffic to your own website, giving you the advantage of having a built-in audience. When traffic to your website grows, your company’s web pages perform better within the search engines. Additionally, when you have backlinks in multiple guest posts, the search engines consider your content valuable, which will ultimately help you rise to the top of the SERPs.

3. Bring in New Audiences and Gain Attention from Potential New Customers
Posting content on Blogger and Tumblr and other similar sites lets you connect with audiences outside your target market. You should remember that not every guest post will immediately boost your sales; however, the content you generate for other websites is vital for building brand awareness and recognition.

In addition, guest posting allows you to create a community for your customers that will serve as a resource of information. This creates a connection in the consumer’s mind that your business is trustworthy and valuable.

4. Increase Brand Exposure
By providing content for established industry websites, people who haven’t heard of your company before will learn about it for the first time from a credible source.

5. Strengthen Your Online Authority
Guest posting is an effective way to help people trust your brand. When you have content on other websites your prospective customers already know, it shows your audience that you’re an expert in your field.

6. Shorten the Sales Cycle
By posting content on popular blogs such as Blogger and Tumblr, you have a channel through which to immediately build your target audience’s awareness of your brand. Therefore, you’re shortening the sales cycle for your products and services.

To get started:

Simply send us your preferred URL and keyword, and we'll not only promote your Brand and keyword once; but 50 times by making 25 guest postings on Tumblr and another 25 guest postings on Blogger.

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