#Catappa Almond Leaves.Tannins for Bettas,Fish medicine leaves,Discus,Naturally fish lab GRADE A**#




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  1.  The leaves contain phytosterols, saponins, flavonoids such as quercetin and kaempferol as well as tannins such as tercatin, punicalin and punicalagin. The leaves can be used for treating and preventing diarrhoea, dysentery, cancer and liver diseases

  1.    Quality super fresh Fish Foods.

  1. These pieces will vary in sizes, colors & textures.

  1. terminali catappa leaves are rich in flavonoid content. 

  1. Fallen leaves are used in the treatment of Hepatitis.

  1. Acute liver injury and other liver related diseases.

  2. terminalia catappa leave extract is used topically for dermatological use and Rheumatoid disease.

  1. Ethanol extract of leaves is used to cure Sickle Cell Disorder

  1. It also treats intestinal parasites and Eye problems.

  1. Dried leaves are used to treat diseases caused by fish         pathogens

  1. Tea made from the leaves soothes and relaxes the Nervous System.

  1. Leaves possess Anticarcinogenic property.

  1. They are potentially used for Chemoprevention of Cancer.

  1. Leaves best aid in the treatment of Hepatoma.

  1. The antioxidant property of leaves prevents the breakdown of the chromosomes and exhibits Anticlastogenic effect.

  • To add a natural color to the fish tank, boil this leaf and add some water to it until you get the desired color.