You need to turn all the negative energy into positive energy and start to feel lucky.

Down on your luck and feeling like the world is against you.

This positive energy box is designed to help you focus on waking up each day feeling that good things will happen.

It wont happen on its own, so walk a different path, be kinder to others and open your eyes to what you already have.

Luck comes in many different ways and forms. If you are too busy looking at the ground you may miss it, so lift up your head and see how lucky you are.

If you feel lucky then you will be lucky.

This gift box contains all the elements in the photos including candles, crystals, tea, smudge kit and instructions.

So sit back with your cup of tea to relax. Use the smudging kit to cleanse yourself and your home, then make your talisman with specifically chosen crystals and candles. Concentrate on achieving your greatest desire

Full instructions on completing your gift box are included which explain the best times of the day and month are optimal to help you achieve your goals.

 Relax and attract positive energy towards yourself.

Items you will need to provide are your favourite cup and a lighter.