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Titolo: Zombo: Can I Eat You Please?
Condizione: Nuovo
Title Format: Paperback

When Flight 303 crash-lands on the lethal deathworld known as Chronos, all is not looking well for the surviving passengers. Enter Zombo; a top secret goverment experiment - part zombie, part human ghoul, with a taste for living flesh and aspirations of pop stardom!

Written by 2000 AD’s latest rising writing talent, Al Ewing (Judge Dredd) and with gorgeous art by Henry Flint (Judge Dredd, Omega Men), witness the undead as you’ve never seen them before!
Altezza: 259mm
Autore: Al Ewing, Flint Henry
Data di pubblicazione: 14/10/2010
EAN: 9781907519253
Formato: Tascabile
Genere: Manga
ISBN: 9781907519253
ISBN-10: 1907519254
Larghezza: 5mm
Lingua: inglese
Lunghezza: 187mm
Publisher: 2000 AD Graphic Novels
Paese di origine: GB
Peso: 318g
Serie: Zombo
Anno di pubblicazione: 2010

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