Caruso's Veins Clear®


Caruso's Veins Clear is a high potency formula containing ingredients to help reduce the symptoms associated with mild varicose veins in both men and women.


Do you have mild varicose veins? Caruso’s Veins Clear formula is specifically designed to strengthen blood vessels in order to help support vascular tone for healthy vein structure.

Caruso's Veins Clear helps to enhance the elasticity of blood vessels by supporting the integrity of the vein and capillary walls as weak vein wall structures are a primary cause of mild varicose veins. Caruso’s Veins Clear contains Grape seed extract, Ruscus, Vitamin C and Hesperidin which may help strengthen your capillaries and tighten your veins acting as a Venotonic, for better venous tone and blood flow.

Veins Clear also addresses the symptoms associated with mild varicose veins such as; painful legs, tired heavy legs, leg fatigue, itchy legs, swollen legs, and bruising.

Caruso’s Veins Clear health indications:

• Mild Varicose veins
• Swollen legs associated with varicose veins
• Painful legs
• Tired, heavy legs
• Leg fatigue
• Haemorrhoids


Each tablet contains: Herbal extracts equiv. to dry

Vitis vinifera (Grape seed)22.11g (22105mg)
     Standardised to Procyanidin 175mg
Ruscus aculeatus (Butcher’s Broom) 1.54g (1540mg)
Extract equiv. to dry root and rhizome  
     Standardised to Ruscogenin22mg
Hesperidin 300mg Ascorbic Acid 200mg

Directions for use:

Adults take 1 tablet after breakfast or as advised by your Health Professional. 


Pale blue in colour with a break bar on one side.
Tablet can be broken in half and/or crushed for ease of consumption.
L: 23.2mm 
W: 10.5mm
Thickness: 6.9mm

Flavour: None

Note: Suitable for Vegans


Q. How long can I stay on Veins Clear?

A. Veins Clear can be taken for as long as required. It may also be taken as a preventative. If symptoms persist please consult your Health Professional.

Q. Can I take Veins Clear if I am pregnant or breastfeeding?

A. No, we do not recommend the use of Veins Clear during pregnancy and/or breastfeeding.

Q. Can children take Veins Clear?

A. Veins Clear is not suitable for use by children under the age of 18 years. For further advice, please consult your Health Professional.


Name: Butcher’s Broom

Description: Ruscus aculeatus is commonly known as Butcher's Broom and is a native herb to Mediterranean Europe and Africa. The herb has been used for Varicose Veins and the associated symptoms such as swelling, tired and heavy legs. The majority of the research has been conducted using a combination of Butcher’s Broom with Hesperidin and Vitamin C*

* Ref: "Comparative efficacy of a single daily dose of two capsules of Cyclo-3 forte in the morning versus a repeated dose of one capsule morning and noon. A one-month study" Boccalon, H. et. al. International Journal of Angiology, 1998; 17(3):155-160

Name: Grape Seed

Description: Grape Seeds contain powerful anti-oxidants called Proanthocyanidins. These compounds have been shown to improve blood circulation by strengthening capillaries and protecting and promoting collagen formation in blood vessels and skin. Procyanidins may assist with mild varicose veins


  • Always read the label and follow the directions for use
  • If symptoms persist, worsen, or change unexpectedly, consult your Health Professional
  • Not to be taken during pregnancy or breastfeeding
  • Vitamin supplements should not replace a balanced diet



  • Take at least 2 hours away from pharmaceutical medications