New Zealand Sphagnum Moss 
X 2 Dry Pressed Slices supplied as an eco friendly paper pack.
Each slice makes approx 1 litre of hydrated moss.
This listing is a very cost effective way to purchase small amounts of moss

When hydrated with water each slice makes up to 1 litre of fluffy moss. 
This is some of the best moss you can purchase for holding humidity. 
It stays moist longer than most mosses available and looks great in terrariums!
It's great for providing humidity but can also be used dry as decor.
It's a great addition for snails, but equally as good with reptiles as it can aid them during molting.

The moss is clean and sterile and only needs water in order to use.

The dry moss can be stored indefinably if kept in a cool, dry place. 

Please use a measuring jug to familiarize yourself with how much 1 litre is if you are unsure of how much you will be able to make. A kitchen measuring jugs should be able to assist you with this.