"GATE To The World" presents your for viewing pleasure -

A Japanese Drama!

Drama:  We're Millennials Got a Problem?

No. of Discs: 3 [ good picture and sound quality ]

Language:  Japanese

Subtitles:  English - excellent. / Chinese


Yutori Desu ga Nani ka-Masaki Okada.jpg Yutori Desu ga Nani ka-Tori Matsuzaka.jpg Yutori Desu ga Nani ka-Yuya Yagira.jpg Yutori Desu ga Nani ka-Sakura Ando.jpg Yutori Desu ga Nani ka-Taiga.jpg
Masaki Okada Tori Matsuzaka Yuya Yagira Sakura Ando Taiga Nakano
Masakazu Sakama Kazutoyo Yamaji Maribu Michigam


Drama series depicts the lives of three men born in 1987 and oppose irrational things of the world through work, love and friendship. The men are from the Yutori generation when the Japanese government reformed the education system emphasizing a pressure-free environment referred to as Yutori education.

Since Masakazu’s (Masaki Okada) father passed away, he lives with his mother, older brother, older brother’s wife and younger sister. He studied hard in his school days and began working for a good company after college. He has worked in different divisions. This spring he is assigned to a bar franchise his company owns.

Kazutoyo (Tori Matsuzaka) is a elementary school homeroom teacher. His teaching style, derived from his own Yutori education, draws the ire of the school and parents. He is connected with a female university student who arrives at the school for teaching apprenticeship.

Maribu (Yuya Yagira) was born from an elite family. In his school days, he did well in his studies and sports. He applied for admission to Tokyo University, but was denied. 10 years later, he is now married and has a baby. His family still lives in a small place. Even though he is in a difficult financial situation, he is still trying to gain admission into Tokyo University.

Don't be the one who missed out getting your copy of it this time around!


When Quality counts and you want Value for your Money then there's only one "Gate to the World".