The Trope Bundle Theory of Substance
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The Trope Bundle Theory of Substance

This book supports a version of the trope-bundle view of individual substances matching also with a coherent account of change, individuation and individual essences. In particular, it is argued that qualitative individuation and qualitative individual essences can be tackled within the frames of a trope account. The adoption of a trope BT together with the individuation of tropes via the bearer substance might create the feeling of circularity since tropes and substances seem mutually to individuate each other. The novel solution to the problem developed here consists in showing that the individuation of concrete individual substances is independent, in crucial respects, from the fact that they are construed as bundles of tropes. Apart from metaphysician colleagues, the book is recommended for advanced students in analytic metaphysics.

ISBN / EAN 9783110320480
Verlag Gruyter, Walter de GmbH
Seitenanzahl 251
Erscheinungsjahr 2012-12
Autor(en) Ujvári, Márta
Sprache(n) eng
Maße 216 x 153 x 19 mm

Ontologie, Philosophie


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