This is a reproduction of a bust sculpted by Alain Aslan at the end of the 60's. It depicts Brigitte Bardot as Marianne who has been the national personification of the French Republic since the French Revolution, as a personification of liberty, equality, fraternity and reason, and a portrayal of the Goddess of Liberty. Starting in 1969, Bardot became the official face of Marianne (who had previously been anonymous).
The original is located at The Réunion des Musées Nationaux, Paris. 

This reproduction is carved from a solid block of the finest Greek marble.

Our marble is white with occasional veins of different colorations. For this reason every sculpture is unique. And don't forget, marble lasts forever.  

Dimensions : Height 20 cm (8 inches)

                      Diameter 9 cm (3.6 inches)

Weight 1.6 Kg

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