• Reduces the frequency, severity & duration of asthma attacks
  • Helps support bronchial health
  • Supports healthy mucus membrane
  • Supports the overall health of respiratory system
  • HALEEZY is a polyherbal combination with natural bronchodilator, antiinflammatory and antiallergic properties help to promote overall respiratory health. In an asthma attack, the smooth muscles of the bronchi contract, causing the bronchi to narrow (called broncho-constriction), and the tissues lining the airways swell from inflammation and mucus secretion into the airways. This restricts the flow of air causing cough, wheezing and shortness of breath. Vasa (Adhatoda vasica), the main herb in Haleezy, exerts antiinflammatory activity and potent antiallergic property. It decreases the secretions of mucus and relieves the inflammation in the airway.  Kantakari (Solanum xanthocarpum) and Antamul (Tylophora indica) have bronchodilator effect that makes the bronchial muscles relax, thereby widening (dilating) the airways and increasing airflow. Thus, HALEEZY reduces severity, frequency and duration of asthmatic symptoms.

    DOS & DON’TS

