Step into a world of magic and adventure with Snow White and the Huntsman, a thrilling novel written by John Lee Hancock, Evan Daugherty, and Hossein Amini. Delve into a story of bravery and heroism that will leave you on the edge of your seat. This trade paperback edition, published by Little, Brown Books for Young Readers in 2012, is a must-read for fans of the fantasy and magic genre.

With a total of 240 pages, this book tells the classic tale of Snow White with a unique twist, featuring elements of action and adventure. The item measures 8.2 inches in length, 5.5 inches in width, and 0.8 inches in height, with a weight of 8.5 ounces. This book is written in English and has a variety of topics, including fantasy and magic, action and adventure, fairy tales and folklore, general fiction, and media tie-ins. It is perfect for anyone looking for a thrilling read.