Paul Rebeyrolle, Lithograph, Derriere le Miroir #163 / cover (1967) 15 x 11 inches

The lithograph is in excellent condition, the page is clean and white as printed -- sorry about the image which makes the paper look aged, it is not.

Derrière le Miroir is a French art magazine created in 1946 and published until 1982.  In October 1945, the French art dealer Aimé Maeght opened his art gallery at 13 Rue de Téhéran in Paris. The opening of the gallery coincides with the end of World War II and the return of a number of exiled artists back to France. The magazine was created in October 1946 (n°1) and published without interruption until 1982 (n°253). Its original articles and illustrations (mainly original color lithographs by the gallery artists) were famous at the time. The magazine covered only the artists exhibited by Maeght gallery either through personal or group exhibitions.  Each issue of Derrière le Miroir included exceptionally high quality loose leaf original lithographs (a few issues also had original etchings or woodblock prints) created by the artists for the publication.  The prints are unsigned and unnumbered because the artist authorized the printing by Maeght Gallery rather than printing the lithographs themselves.

Printer: Les ateliers de l'imprimerie Arte.  
Publisher: Maeght Editeur, Paris.
Edition:  about 1500 unsigned impressions (for the subscribers of the publication)