Large Natural Rose Quartz Crystal Tower Big Wand Healing Stone Point Faceted Prism Figurine Meditation Therapy

Height: 14-16cm Width:4-5cm Weight: 1lb (approx)
Rose Quartz is the stone which is important for heart chakra.
Rose Quartz define all types love that is self love, family love and passionate love. It eases guilt and balances emotions, reduces stress and brings optimistic self affirmations. The soothing energy of rose quartz brings empathy, ceasefire and exoneration for others. It helps to heal a broken heart and also sweeps out the pessimistic emotions from heart.
Each stone is natural and unique that the color is slightly different from pictures, please subject to the actual product you received.

Rose Quartz gently removes negativity from all chakras and reinstates a loving gentle energy of self love. Brings calmness and clarity to the emotions. It is especially helpful at locations of heart and crown chakra to bring peacefulness, calm relationships, appreciation of art, music, the written word, imagination and romantic love. Helps to heal the emotional body basically through love.