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Relax, heal or energize with a tea party

Sjilver yin zhen pearls-white tea.

You don't have to fall down a rabbit hole like Alice to have a Mad Hatter tea party.

Tim Burton's 'Alice in Wonderland' opens in local theaters on Friday, and Teavana is ready to stoke some additional interest is the drink with its broad variety of teas ready to sample. Who knew that tea could be pretty, the process enlightening and the value enormous?
Green teas heal your body, white teas help you relax and herbal teas energize, Brown explained. You can sip a flavorful cup of tea instead of taking a multiple vitamin and enjoy yourself as you converse with friends. This is not your grandmother's cure-all of a tea bag soaked in boiling water when you didn't feel up to par. The blends you can get today help your skin, prevent certain cancers and helps lower your cholesterol while tasting delightful and robust.
Brown, the general manager of Teavana, explained everything about the different types of teas and even brewed some for to sample. I would never believe that carrots, hibiscus, rose buds, raspberries, pomegranate, orange slices or strawberries can taste so delicious when they are brewed. The combinations also look and smell delightful before and after being brewed.
'Start with a small amount of green or white tea and then add different blends that have fruits, blossoms and herbs that you mix and match to help create your own flavors. If we were around in Alice's time we could have catered her party. We even have tea infused cookies,' said Brown.
'If you like sweetness add a bit of an all natural sweetner like unprocessed rock cane sugar or a natural honey. White sugar affects the taste of the tea. If you prefer cold tea place your brew in a container and refrigerate it or make a stronger pot and add ice cubes to drink immediately,' explained Brown.
White tea is low in caffeine and high in antioxidants that will help reduce fine lines and wrinkles on your skin and inhibits growth of certain cancers. Green tea may lower your cholesterol and regulate your blood sugar, so these two should be the base for your blends. The other types available are Oolong that enhances your metabolism and helps with weight reduction. Herbal infusions are caffine free and good for children and enhances the flavors of other blends. Roobios helps combat allergies and helps your digestion. Black teas are good for your heart and also helps lower your cholesterol. It also thins the blood vessel lining and clears out fatty deposits.
'The best way to brew your tea is in a cast iron pot. Tea left in the pot keeps hot for one hour while you are chatting and enjoying your cup at your tea party. The pot also brings out a better flavor from the mixture you designed by seasoning itself from the various blends you have brewed.'
'Fill the pot with hot water, one cup of water equals one cup of tea, put the tea in the strainer in the center of the pot or a tea ball that floats (one and one half teaspoon of tea is what you need for one cup), add a bit of natural sweetner if you desire and heat. Pour about four ounces of tea into your cup, and keep the rest in the pot and pour as needed. You can re-brew your used tea mixture one or two times if you store it in the refrigerator and use it within two days,' Brown said.
'When you store your loose tea always place them in tins to keep them fresh. We tag the tea by its name and give you instructions how long to brew and at what temperature. Remove the tags and place on your tins when you get home. They will be ready when you decide to relax, energize or get healthier with a cup of tea.