All games titles have been checked for writing and other scribbly bits and cleaned. If we have found any, we will have taken a close up of it and added it to the photo selection of the game in question. We will also have photographed any other wear the tape, inlay or case might have.

If there are no separate instructions included in the photographs, there aren't any. If the instructions are printed on the inlay, we will have taken a photograph of it.

No game has been tested prior to listing as we simply don't have the time to do so. However, should the game not load for you, we will happily accept a return for a full refund. The return is free for all customers and you will be able to print a return label out at home. 

Within the UK, games will be sent at Large Letter rate in order to offer free postage. If you feel you need more packaging than a jiffy bag, please pay for the Royal Mail 48 postage option and we will both bubble wrap and put cardboard around it before being put in a jiffy bag. If you need the game at speed: please pay for Special Delivery 1pm. All of these postage options are available in a drop-down menu at checkout

All games shipped outside of the UK will be bubble-wrapped and wrapped in cardboard (or boxed, if we can find a suitable box).

Please note that these games are considered collectibles now and will have various amount of wear to them - inlays might have creases to them and there might be some small amount of staining to the actual cassette label. Most of this will be visible in the photographs but if you are still unsure, please send us a message and we can send you additional photographs of what you might need to see. 

Lastly: we will not ship any of these games to Russia.