Authentic Bio Disc 4 Energy Scalar Biodisc Health Amazing Power Ion Energy

Package Included

1 x Bio Disc 4


Product Description

  • Put BIO DISC in the 4 corners of the house to get a Quantum Field that will help harmonize Energy and frequency in the house, thus making the EMF (Electro Magnetic waves) are not free to be radical body occupants.
  • Put the BIO DISC a few minutes near the bottle to drink. BIO DISC alters the molecular structure of water into micro molecules (can easily ENTER THE body's cells) and hexagonal (solid structure, bringing more Oxygen to the cells of the body). It's important our bodies consume Hexagonal water. Hexagonal water will bring tremendous health benefits for your family.
  • Put the BIO DISC body on experiencing health problems such as in the breast or breast cysts, knee if the KNEE PAIN, and others. The frequency of the BIO DISC Spinning will help boost Energy or frequency in parts of the body. (Cells healthy body will have harmonic frequencies that rotates counterclockwise.
  • Put BIO DISC over the heart shortly every day so that the blood in the body spins into a hexagonal structure on small molecules. This will make the body much healthier because the blood flow more smoothly, more oxygen is carried, and the molecular structure of a solid (hexagonal) so it is not vulnerable to attack 'enemies' (free radicals and others).
  • Put shortly BIO DISC in the refrigerator to provide bio-energy in the refrigerator so that food and beverages have better nutrition and freshness longer.
  • Wash or soak fruits and vegetables with water BIO DISC energized, make fruits and vegetables become much fresher.
  • Cook rice, side dishes and others with BIO DISC energized water. The food will last much longer.
  • Put the BIO DISC remedy under the bed comfort sleep better, especially for those who have SLEEP DISORDERS or health problems.
  • Put the BIO DISC in the bath tub for a bath, or put it in the shower, you will get a bio spa will refresh the body.
  • Wash your face with water that is energized BIO DISC (hexagonal)
  • Put BIO DISC in the pocket when the plane to stop Jet Lag and reduce the influence of big EMF in an airplane.
  • Put The BIO DISC in the aquarium so that the fish much fresher and healthier for life in the hexagonal water.
  • Plants watered with water that is energized BIO DISC. Put BIO DISC near the water hose
  • Put an BIO DISC near petrol pump hose. You will get a patrol fuel savings due to the almost perfect combustion
  • BIO DISC extremely helpful in improving the quality of sexual function.
How does the energy transfer to the water using the Bio Disc 4?
The Bio Disc energy spins into the liquid, counter clockwise. Or the liquid can be poured over the bio disc where it's picks up 'the resonance. The resonance generated is similar to that which is found in the earth surrounding many healing spring waters of the world.

What is Bio Energy Disc?

The Bio Energy Disc is a natural energy generating device that produces SCALAR energy frequencies that have no negative side effects.

The energy created specifically rejuvenates molecular structures in all liquids.

The molecular structure causes any liquid to become more hydratious, taste better and extend shelf life.

BIO DISC 4 Benefits
1. Improves tastes of all liquids
2. Increases drinking water energy level
3. Increases body energy level
4. Maximizes nutritional benefits
5. Improve taste
6. Extend shelf life of all vegetables, fruits and meats
7. Improve wellness
8. Enhances immune system
9. Rejuvenates cells
10. Increases blood oxygen levels
11. Calms and balances
12. Assists in pain relief
13. Enhances potency of food supplements-increasing the hydration levels of the drinking water taken with the supplements. 14.The healing power of Bio disc has proven to amazingly balance the 'yin' and 'yang 'and cure various syndromes such as autism, diabetes, high blood pressure, high level of cholesterol, high level of uric acid, migraines, pains, swelling and inflammation, rheumatism, stiff neck, leg cramp, stomach ache, headache, asthma, kidney problem, allergy, jet lag, fatigue, muscular pains, stresses, and more...
  • Pour the water or any liquid over the disc, the water will instantly be energized and has better taste and higher oxygen level Place in refrigerator to energize all consumables for better nutrient uptake.
  • Place under a bottle of drinking water to energize within 20 minutes
  • Place under the bed to improve sleep quality
  • Place in a bath of water to improve body energy
  • Carry on the body to stop jet lag and improve energy levels
  • Put 4(four)bottles of energized water under the bed, one at each leg of the bed to absorb negative energy and emit positive energy.
  • Carry in your pocket or bag to improve your aura
  • Simply reflect the sun rays through the lens onto the area with pain, hold the disc 21 cm from the affected area and spin the disc counterclockwise.