Brazilian Belle Bikini Body Detox & Cleanse Bundle Pack (30 Tea Bags)
Boost Energy, Manage Weight, Fight Bloating & Reduce Stress

The Best way to maximize the effectiveness of a diet, get a flat belly and lose weight is to prepare your body for a fresh start! When toxins are removed from your body, it can successfully digest and absorb all of the nutrients in the food and keeps you looking slimmer, healthy & your skin glowing.

The Breakthrough formulas of our Bikini Body Energizing Daytime & Antibloating Nighttime Teas help to keep your energy levels up in the morning and detox & cleanse your system while you’re sleeping.

Benefits of our daily Bikini Body Daytime Detox Tea:
- It contains Low Botanic Caffeine to Accelerate Weight Loss by boosting your metabolism in the morning, reduce bloating and excess water.
- A great substitute for coffee to give you energy while flushing out the toxins from your body to flatten your belly.
- 100% Natural No- laxatives fat burners Ingredients that provide essential antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that your body needs in the detoxifying process.

Benefits of our Bikini Body Nighttime Cleanse Tea:
- Optimize the digestive tract, manage weight, and eliminate inflammation while you’re sleeping.
- Mobilize any undigested food, helps get rid of excess water, and reduces stress.
- 100% Natural blend that has antioxidant properties that detoxify & cleanses your body.

How to Drink the Tea Bundle:
Drink a cup of the Bikini Body AM Boost Tea every morning before or during your breakfast and a cup of the PM Cleanse Tea one hour before your bedtime.

EXTRA TIP: Drink lots of water during the day to maximize results.

Learn exactly what body type you are and why it matters for weight loss. Our Detox Bundle Pack also includes a customized step-by-step Bikini Body Transformation Plan