Here are two working examples of the Siemens IC35, “The Unifier”. These are PDAs from around 2001 in the palmtop form factor, like miniature laptop computers with full QWERTY keyboards. Also included is one SyncStation serial dock.

Physical condition is as pictured. In short, they both look in good condition except: both screens have some dark blots, and the serial connector on the dock has some corrosion.

Everything I've been able to test works fine on both IC35s:
I haven't been able to test the dock, because I don't have any computers with a serial port. Also, you'd presumably need driver software which I don't have. It looks like this might be available on though. Each PDA has two MMC memory card slots on the front, and a smartcard slot underneath. I don't have any suitable cards to test these with. All the slots have plastic dummy cards to protect them from dust etc..