1 - For the blessing of money
If you want that wealth should always remain in your house, then for this keep sea salt in a glass utensil and put four-five cloves in it. By doing this, money will start coming in the house, along with this money will remain blessed.

2- To remove financial constraints.

Except Thursday, once a week, after mixing a little sea salt in water, wipe the house. By doing this remedy, the negative energy of the house is removed and the way for Lakshmi to enter the house opens.

3 - For uninterrupted flow of money

To maintain the flow of money in the house without any hindrance, a glass glass mixed with water and sea salt should be kept in the southwest corner of the house and a red colored bulb should be placed behind it.

Whenever the water in the glass dries up, it should be cleaned and repeated again. By doing this, there will be continuous arrival of money in the house.

4- To remove architectural defects. Salt isconsidered to be a chemical that removes all kinds of dirt. Filling sea salt in a glass bowl and keeping it in toilet and bathroom removes the negative energy from there and Vastu Dosh also ends. This process should be repeated every one month and the old salt should be thrown away.

If there is any mixed Vaastu defect in the house, which you cannot change, then for this, fill whole salt in both your hands and keep it for some time, then put that salt in the wash basin and wash it with water.

6 - To eliminate eye defects

If you or any child has got an evil eye, then this sea salt can be very useful for you to get rid of evil eye. On seeing the evil eye, remove a pinch of salt from the victim seven times and wash it in the flowing water or put it in the running water of the tap. This will remove the defect of vision.

7- To get rid of long illness

If a person in the house is suffering from chronic illness, then sea salt can prove to be effective in improving his health. For this, keep salt in a glass utensil on the head of the victim, then after a week, change that salt and keep it again. Gradually the health of that person will start improving.

This is the remedy of sea salt – Significantly, many natural properties are present in sea salt, only then by taking its remedy, the negative forces present in the house are removed and the lock of closed luck also starts opening.