Issue 157 (March 2022) of Vortex, the official Big Finish magazine. New and unread, as pictured. 

·       Doctor Who: Colin Baker is the Doctor of War, with Geoffrey Beevers as the Master, Rebecca Night as Romana and Nicola Bryant as Peri in in Doctor Who Unbound: Doctor of War: Genesis.

·       Doctor Who: Paul McGann is the Doctor in the final four adventures set in London's Baker Street, Doctor Who: Stranded 4.

·       Doctor Who: The First Doctor Adventures: Stephen Noonan takes on the role of the Doctor for his debut box set The Outlaws.

·       Torchwood One: Tracy-Ann Oberman returns as Yvonne Hartman, with Gareth David-Lloyd as Ianto Jones, in three new adventures - Torchwood One: Nightmares

·       Doctor Who: The Companion Chronicles: The Second Doctor Chronicles Volume 3: The much-anticipated third box set featuring companions from Patrick Troughton's era.

·       The Worlds of Blake's 7: Heroes and Villains - Sally Knyvette and Jan Chappell return as Jenna Stannis and Cally, facing Amagon pirates, the Federation torturer Shrinker and the charming but treacherous Dorian.

·       plus:

o   The Big Finish Book Club: revisit Doctor Who: The Hollows of Time.

o   Listeners' emails, exclusive studio photos, and the latest release schedule...