Commercial Grade Fertiliser High Potassium Low Nitrogen Ideal For Bromeliads

This fertiliser is also ideal for Orchids and encourage palm seeding. More spikes and flowers for Orchids. More pups with Bromeliads.

High Potassium formula in a larger 800g size. For larger collections or when you have a lot of repotting to do, or planting pups. 

Want to get great form, colours and flowering with your Broms? This Commercial Grade Bromeliad fertiliser used by professional growers is a controlled release fertiliser, which activates after about 2 to 3 weeks and in 21 °C or higher temps. It lasts for 8 months and has a high Potassium low Nitrogen mix in every granule, as well as trace elements. With an NPK ratio of 9-3.9-15.7, excessive growth is avoided and plant form and flowering is maximised. Evenly distribute a few granules in with your pine bark mix. 

Experiment with a little. Use on a spare plant and compare the results with one that has no fertiliser and see the results. 

My use of this fertiliser is as follows. 6-10 granules per pot. Then, the same amount after the plant has flowered to produce more pups.

My personal observations of this fertiliser is, that we all know that Nitrogen boosts plant growth. A typical controlled release fertiliser is mostly high in Nitrogen and lower in everything else. As Brom enthusiasts, we don't want this ratio. We want a low Nitrogen, high Potassium mix. Too much Nitrogen makes Broms grow tall and grassy and lose their colour. But having a NPK ratio where Potassium is much higher than the Nitrogen, means, the Nitrogen increases the growth rate of the Brom, but the higher Potassium ensures the Brom holds it's form and colour. The result is a faster growing Brom, that becomes more plump, holds its form and colour and does not become tall and grassy. I also find my Broms pup more, especially as the mother plant is dying. I'll often add a couple of granules to the top of the pot when I see the mother is on its way out, so I can trigger it to push more pups out.