100% Organic Kit Of Worms Bedding Super Special Formula. See Descriptions.


Our special worms bedding super special formula is a blend of different ingredients and come with 3 differents bag to mix together.

6 gallons bag of a special blend of Coco Coir, Peat Moss, Biochar, shredded cardboard and a mix of organic matter,

3 gallons bag of organic Compost, locally produced in Upstate, NY from a local facility. The compost is ery rich and full of the microorganism and organic matter to boost your bedding and give to your worms what they need to grow happy and fat.

25 oz. bag with our enhanced super formula worm chow. Our worm chow is Professionally designed for optimal nutrition with a balanced blend of oats, alfalfa, corn, and other amazing ingredients. Your worms will love it, guaranteed.

For a reproduction bin mix 2 gallons of Bedding super special formula with 1 gallons of organic compost and 1/2 cup of our enhanced worm chow. Mix troughly and add water.

Are you looking for the perfect bedding for your worms? This organic blend is perfect for both reproduction bins and regular bins, providing your worms with a comfortable and healthy environment to thrive in.

Our bedding mix is made up of all organic ingredients, including coco coir, peat moss, biochar, a mix of organic matter, and even organic compost and worm chow to provide essential nutrients for your worms.

But what sets our bedding mix apart is the Northeast Worms special touch. Our worms work hard to break down the organic matter, creating a rich and nutrient-dense environment that is perfect for your worms to reproduce and thrive in.

Here are the instructions on how to use it:

Start by mixing 2 gallons of the bedding mix with 1 gallon of organic compost in a large container. Make sure to mix the two together thoroughly.

Add 1/2 cup of worm chow to the mixture and stir it in well.

Slowly add water to the mixture while stirring continuously. The goal is to achieve a consistency that is similar to that of a damp sponge.

To check if the moisture level is correct, squeeze a handful of the mixture tightly. If only a few drops of water come out, then the moisture level is just right. If more than a few drops come out, you will need to add more bedding mix to absorb the excess water.

Once the moisture level is correct, add the bedding mixture to your worm bin. Make sure to spread it evenly and to create air pockets by fluffing it up a bit.

Add your worms to the bin and cover the top with a layer of moistened newspaper or cardboard. This will help to maintain the moisture level and provide a dark environment for the worms.

Now sit back and let your worms work their magic! The Worms Super Special Organic Bedding Kit will provide your worms with a comfortable and healthy environment to reproduce and produce nutrient-rich compost