50+ Pink Mix Bee Balm Seeds
2022 Season




Varieties from 10 inches to 4 feet tall, and 8 inches to 3 feet wide.


Full sun to partial shade. Plants bloom best and are less susceptible to disease when planted in full sun.

Bloom time:

Late spring to fall


Bee balm is not harmful to children or pets. The scented flowers and foliage have a wide range of medicinal and herbal qualities and can be used for tea, potpourri, garnishes, and rubs. The crushed leaves act as a natural mosquito repellent. 


A member of the mint family, bee balm is native to woodland and prairie regions of North America, comprising 15 species of annuals and clump-forming rhizomatous perennials. Bee balm was historically used by indigenous tribes and early settlers for medicinal and culinary purposes. The pungent leaves are reminiscent of sage and can be brewed for tea or added to salads and other dishes, while flowers serve as a colorful garnish.

When to plant:

Sow seeds in spring, and plant transplants during cooler months of spring or fall.

Where to plant:

In a sunny site with fertile, well-draining soil that will stay evenly moist.

How to plant:

Loosen soil and amend with compost. Remove plant from container and gently tease out roots if potbound. Dig a hole slightly larger than the root ball and place so the top of the crown is level with the soil surface. Fill in the hole, gently tamp down soil around the base and water well. Space 1-1/2 to 2 feet apart, depending on the variety, to ensure good air circulation.

For seeds, sow directly outdoors after all danger of frost is past. Cover with 1/4 inch of fine soil and keep moist until seedlings emerge, 22 to 30 days. Thin to 18 inches apart when seedlings are two inches tall.