Duckweed- Super LARGE Quantity.

This product for outdoor use and application only.  Do not open or use inside a dwelling.

PLEASE PAY ATTENTION: This is likely the largest quantity offered on EBay in a listing.  Many will try a hustle by giving a plant count (they are tiny), or using some method difficult for you to comprehend.  This listing is large, one gallon bags with 3-4 pounds drained duckweed in each bag (estimated) to make up the weight by adding bags.  (Example: 5 pounds is likely 1-2 bags, 10 pounds is likely 2-5 bags).   Most other listings on Ebay will fit in your shirt pocket.  THIS LISTING IS RADICALLY DIFFERENT. This is a large quantity (larger than 5-10 of Ebays largest amount listings combined), there is simply no comparison.

This product may need pre-soak or washing in a holding tank prior to use.  That depends on your use.  We have seen people fail by not using a small amount at a time in small controlled environments.  This is true while adding any fish, plant, or product to a wet environment,  but humans are not as intelligent as they once were, and often lack the integrity to admit they screwed up.

Our product comes from cultivated marsh ponds for use in a rather large commercial livestock feeding system.  What we send you is identical to what we feed our livestock.

Now, understand this is a wetland superfood product.  It is super wet and super nutrient dense.  If there is any delay in shipping or delivery this product can rapidly deteriorate and smell strong.  We have had issues with people opening their package in their home which seems extremely foolish. Never open in doors.

We have developed and cultivate a cold water strain of duckweed that keeps in our ponds year round even thru cold weather.  This plant is anticipated to be more resilient and give cold water states for duck hunters a longer feeding season.  This will differ substantially from tank fed and bred cultivars of other sellers.  There is little comparison.

This product can grow rather quickly given proper conditions with possibilities that it can double in 24 hours given the right conditions....Experience teaches us that when this happens the change to the environment is so dramatic that the growth is not sustainable at that rate without intervention by way of intentional cultivation.

As a bio-remediation product this plant is amazing.   We use it to manage wet areas on a farm to not only shift the environment but also to create a rich food source as a byproduct of remediation.

As an estimate we find that a one gallon bag holds approximately 1.5 pounds of product depending on the amount of water.  Often we drain the water and add fresh during the packing phase.  During the unpacking phase you should have a five gallon bucket of water available for each bag received.  The water in buckets will need nutrients as this is a high nutrient growing product.  We attempt to cool it to a dormant stage for shipment, but the variables are numerous.  You will receive a product stressed through shipping.  If there is a loss (partial) of the product do not worry it will bounce back quickly as this product can replicate itself (double) within 24 hours given the right conditions.  Invariably if it fails it is on the receiver as a result.

We use USPS Priority shipping boxes and fit as much as we can in it.  This is typically a 3 day process with their tracking updated after it leaves the first station.   It is crucial for prompt shipping with no delay on your part to open and introduce the product to a holding tank with fresh water.  The product begins to go thru a shock process once harvested.  It is your responsibility to confront this issue and address it.  The product recovery is your responsibility and you take that responsibility when you order the product......As a result we offer NO REFUNDS, NO RETURNS, AND NO GUARANTEE for condition as you have action required to make that part work.  People simply aren't that sharp and often not honest in their role.  If you are uninterested in accepting your responsibility then feel free to shop elsewhere.   We would rather miss opportunities to nurse snowflakes than encounter them.

You are responsible for application or use of this product.  If you are "woke" or of low intellect for other reasons purchase from someone else.  This can be a volatile product and misuse from no-minds who dump large quantities in small aquariums or closed environments can kill fish.  This is normal , practical advice, but shoppers often lack common sense and misuse products especially in a world of gender confusion, flat earth, climate change, and so many science hoaxes.