From the company website

◇ Easy Paper Loading
◇ Paper width: 76mm, 58mm
◇ Fast printing speed: 4.7LPS
◇ Better connectivity with: Serial / Parallel / Ethernet+USB / USB / Bluetooth+USB / Wi-Fi+USB interface
◇ Auto cutter

Print type 9-pin impact dot matrix
Print direction Bi-directional with logic seeking
Print Width 63mm, 45mm (paper width: 76mm, 58mm)
Print speed(10CPI) 4.7 lps (paper width: 76mm, 40 columns)
6.0 lps (paper width: 58mm,30 columns)
Line space 1/6 inch, programmable in 1/144 inch increments

Please see the pictures for details...I want to make sure you're aware of the condition and be completely happy with your purchase. I always try to include all relevant surfaces, but please send me a note if you need additional pictures to clarify and details. I will always answer as soon as I can (usually when I can break away from the day job) and am always open to offers.

Thank you for shopping and I hope to hear from you soon.


Condition: New With Box